Why bother?
(note:if you're not over 18, don't ask for put downs) Hey whats up? Yo mamas so nasty, I came over andasked what we were having for dinner and she jumped on the table, spread her legs, and said crabs. Yo mamas like a race car, she can burn 4 rubbers in less than an hour. Hey fat ass, bustedany good toilet seats lately? Hey don't turn aroundyour nose will gouge someones eye out! Yo ass is sofat, you have your own area code. Wow theres so much food here, we could feed the third worldcountries, or we could feed you. Hey don't breatheyour nose will suck up all the oxygen! Your teeth are so yellow, when you smile, i don't know whetherto wave or kick a field goal. These are a few ofmy weaker insults. You may have heard some of thesebefore, but i have a mother load of them just sitting around in my room. E-mail me and ask for some. I'll be glad to get rid of them.
The Ultimate Mama Put Down.
Hey listen up, i thought of this one a long timeago, and i guarentee you haven't heard it. All youhave to do to get it is e-mail me and tell me yourbest put downs and if i think they're funny,i'llsend it to you. (hint: it has something to do witha circumcision and wisconsin, and cheese)
Blank Space
I have nothing to put here so i figure I'll justblab for a little while, WCW/NWO Revenge is cool.Turok 2 is awesome, and i have some cheats and codes and a special strategie. If you want to knowthem than just e-mail me. I'm working on a game pagewhich will have alot of games codes on it for alot of games. If you have any games you want codes for e-mail me.
Favourite links

Email me at:
[email protected]

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